
Chinese Optical Film Coating Manufacturer



Xinlun photoelectric display material mainly includes flexible display cover plate film, flexible protective film, fixed curve/foldable supporting film, vehicle explosion-proof films, etc. for such industries as CE, smart display and auto. The Company’s flexible cover plate film has passed the verification of domestic mainstream smartphone manufacturers, breaking the monopoly of foreign companies and realizing domestication. The fixed curve supporting films have been delivered to mainstream screen plants to facilitate product customization upgrading and development. Mass production of vehicle explosion-proof films made of various substrates (SRF, TAC, PET) has been realized. AR (low reflection) products could be manufactured domestically.






易门县| 玉门市| 伊川县| 曲麻莱县| 天台县| 岢岚县| 黄平县| 义马市| 米泉市| 临汾市| 山阴县| 友谊县| 阆中市| 姚安县| 潼南县| 伊宁市| 安吉县| 玉龙| 黎平县| 海盐县| 邵武市| 远安县| 杭州市| 凤冈县| 景东| 锦屏县| 微博| 汤原县| 婺源县| 固安县| 兰西县| 七台河市| 沛县| 子洲县| 三河市| 浦东新区| 常熟市| 新密市| 汽车| 伊金霍洛旗| 塔城市|