
Clean-room Industry System Solution ProviderElectronic / pharmaceutical / food industry Clean-room engineering design, construction, maintenance integrated solution and ultra clean products research, production, sales integration services


Clean room engineering business group is in charge of headquarters of clean room engineering and Shanghai Hanguang. Headquarter of clean room engineering is an industry system solution provider which offers intergrated service including clean room engineering design, construction, equipment purchasing and maintenance. The highest class of clean room engineering has reached international leading class 1 standard.



Service clients and fields: including SINOPEC, CNOOC, CNNC, CGN, QNPC, BASF, Roche, Novartis, BAYER, P&G, Unilever, L'ORéAL, Pepsi, NU SKIN, Nestléé, Mead Johnson, Wrigley(China), National Institutes for Food and Drug Control and petrifaction, pharmaceutical, food, daily chemical industry famous enterprises and government research institutes

白水县| 霍城县| 长治市| 德庆县| 平南县| 沿河| 桃园县| 江川县| 沙湾县| 三江| 庆云县| 大港区| 天柱县| 古蔺县| 清原| 临泽县| 三门峡市| 梅州市| 玉田县| 修文县| 都江堰市| 安新县| 武鸣县| 明水县| 右玉县| 泾源县| 西丰县| 安国市| 静安区| 陇西县| 星子县| 大丰市| 沿河| 高要市| 江华| 大庆市| 娱乐| 上蔡县| 保山市| 永登县| 水城县|